Saturday, June 27, 2009

Week Eleven

This week the first broccoli and bok choy were harvested, and more bean and peas. The cucumbers are almost ready to eat as well. The broccoli plants take a lot of room, so it looks as though it's better (in a small system anyway) to plant vegetables that keep producing, like bean, peas, tomatoes and cucumbers, rather than big, one-off vegetables. The weather is starting to get quite cool at night (10 degrees celsius) so will turn off the pump at night and insulate the fish tanks and sump to try to conserve heat.


  1. Everything looks so green and healthy an deelicious. Amazing I'd not heard of Aquaponics before.Well done.

  2. Google aquaponics and visit some of the websites - you'll be amazed by the veggies - can't wait until my setup really gets going! There are lots of excellent systems happening down there in Victoria . . .
